In Yale Visit, Ryan Reynolds & Shawn Levy Center Collaboration
The line spanned several blocks of College Street, as fans of all ages—some in Wolverine or Deadpool costume—waited to see actor Ryan Reynolds and director Shawn Levy at Woolsey Hall in a conversation hosted by Yale Schwarzman Center and moderated by film critic Kevin McCarthy.
Shubert Ending Year With String Of Shows, New Space
Ibrahim’s performance — organized jointly between the Shubert and the Schwarzman Center — was part of a string of performances carrying the venerable College Street theater through the end of the year.
Experimental Opera Explores Earth, After People
Gelsey Bell: “The piece is designed so that people start off feeling apocalyptic. Then they can go on a journey that leaves them in a different place."
"An Artwork That Comes To Life:" A Student Voice On Photography
The following reflection and photoessay comes from Hannah Ericksen, a junior at Cooperative Arts & Humanities High School studying photography with Chris Randall.
Skating Film, Album Put Right Foot Forward
New Haven artists Jisu Sheen and Kulimushi Barongozi created a film in conjunction with an event in 2021 at the temporary skate bowl constructed with support from Yale Schwarzman Center—a film that has now inspired a new album.
Peek-a-Boola: A Preview of Arts Across New Haven
Explore and learn about Yale’s and New Haven’s vast arts community!
Making the Bed for ‘Slumberland’
A Swedish production about teen insomnia tests the boundaries of storytelling with virtual technology.