off the grid Virtual Gallery

off the grid

Virtual Gallery

Even art made off the grid can forge profound bonds.

This gallery features student-generated art that speaks to space, change, social justice and truth during the pandemic. After viewing the projects, a friend at the Yale University Art Gallery had this to say about the body of work:

"I am struck by the artists’ contemplation of isolation and simultaneous exploration of the connective power of art, poetry, and music via digital platforms. The resilience of these artists resonates throughout all the works, as they build connections to others through a shared sense of loss, injustice, and even outrage. Collaboration is at the core of many of these works, reminding us that even art made 'off the grid' can forge profound bonds."

Jenna Marvin

Marcia Brady Tucker Curatorial Fellow

Department of Photography at the Yale University Art Gallery

Featured image: Envato Elements.