Acting upon Environmental Apartheid: Public Art as Activism

This Session will initiate exploratory conversations on the activation of Beinecke Plaza as a space of BIPOC empowerment and resistance to White supremacist constructs at Yale. These constructs consistently permeate the mental and physical safety of the BIPOC experience both on campus and in our communities. How do we implement collaborative projects to counter these structures and systems while creating an allyship with those in power? Is this possible with such an entrenched legacy?
This Session will take place in-person and is open to asymptomatic vaccinated and boosted participants only. Please bring your COVID 19 vaccination card or a clearly legible photo of your vaccination card on your phone and a photo ID. Front of House staff will be checking IDs and proof of vaccination.
About YSC Sessions
YSC Sessions invite you into conversation with thought leaders in creative fields — bringing people into dialogue and inspiring fresh ideas over a meal.
On Confidentiality
Sessions are safe spaces to gather and exchange diverse perspectives over shared interests. We ask everyone to respect the confidentiality of the conversation and fellow Sessionists. For press requests related to YSC Sessions, please contact Director of Marketing & Communications Maurice Harris at