Stephen Schwarzman and William Gross Are Among 13 New Signatories of the Giving Pledge

Fang Block | Penta

Stephen A. Schwarzman YC '69 and former Yale University President Peter Salovey, 2015

Stephen A. Schwarzman YC'69 has given away over $1 billion to fund projects across education, culture, the arts, and other areas. His major gifts have helped establish a center for the Humanities at the University of Oxford; created a college at MIT dedicated to the study of ArtificiaI Intelligence; built a first-of-its-kind student center at Yale; renovated and expanded the New York Public Library; and founded Schwarzman Scholars, an international fellowship program at Tsinghua University in Beijing.  Read the Penta article 

My philanthropy has brought a tremendous sense of joy and meaning to my life and I anticipate I will find more ways to give back during my lifetime.
Stephen A. Schwarzman YC'69