Stephen A. Schwarzman YC'69 has given away over $1 billion to fund projects across education, culture, the arts, and other areas. His major gifts have helped establish a center for the Humanities at the University of Oxford; created a college at MIT dedicated to the study of ArtificiaI Intelligence; built a first-of-its-kind student center at Yale; renovated and expanded the New York Public Library; and founded Schwarzman Scholars, an international fellowship program at Tsinghua University in Beijing. Read the Penta article
Stephen Schwarzman and William Gross Are Among 13 New Signatories of the Giving Pledge

Stephen A. Schwarzman YC '69 and former Yale University President Peter Salovey, 2015
My philanthropy has brought a tremendous sense of joy and meaning to my life and I anticipate I will find more ways to give back during my lifetime.