Ruth and "Deadpool" (Vince Berry) hit Yale's Woolsey Hall to chat with students and Ryan Reynolds fans at the sold-out event "Dynamic Duo"

Ruth and Vince Berry for 99PLR Chaz & AJ

"I'm hot and I'm wearing spandex and I have been walking around New Haven for the last hour and a half bothering people... and I want a Gatorade... " Vince Berry in a Deadpool costume cracks jokes with a good natured audience waiting in a line that wrapped around Yale Schwarzman Center. That audience had shown up in blockbuster numbers (and in costumes) to attend Dynamic Duo: A Conversation with Ryan Reynolds and Shawn Levy, Moderated by Kevin McCarthy

WATCH for more laughs at 99PLR Chaz & AJ . 

(And for those curious, all waitlisted hopefuls did score a seat in the 2500 person Woolsey Hall.)