Classes, Demonstrations & Workshops
Classes, Demonstrations & Workshops
At Co-Op, Three "Soles" Tap Into Cross-Cultural Storytelling
Soles of Duende's visit to Co-Op sponsored by Yale Schwarzman Center
Brooklyn Rider, Co-Op Choose Music
The notes came fast and furious, one on top of the other. In one world, four string instruments were neck-and-neck with each other, racing toward a resolution with wild abandon. Violin emerged, undulating, and cello pulsed sharply beneath it. Viola rose, an oncoming wave, and sprinted so fast it seemed there was no room for breath.
"An Artwork That Comes To Life:" A Student Voice On Photography
The following reflection and photoessay comes from Hannah Ericksen, a junior at Cooperative Arts & Humanities High School studying photography with Chris Randall.
Co-Op Dancers (Re)Connect With Their Rhythms
It was Monday morning in studio 206, and Kori Tatman felt more alive than she had in days.
Long Wharf to Hold Artistic Congress at Yale
Artists and industry leaders will convene in New Haven, Conn. to discuss the future of theater and its vital importance to expression, equity and democracy
The Dance of Life: A Conversation with Trajal Harrell
Trajal Harrell Conversation at Yale University Art Gallery