Lindy Hop Masterclass

4.14.23 | 2:15pm–3:30pm
April 14, 2023 | 2:15pm–3:30pm |
Dance Studio


This masterclass is recommended for intermediate to advanced dancers, high school ages and up.


Lindy Hop with multi-disciplinary teaching and performing artists Samuel Coleman and Candice Franklin (aka "Sammy & Candy"), a fusion of jazz, tap, breakaway, and Charleston that will transport you to Harlem in the 1930s. Each class begins with a warmup of classic jazz vernacular steps followed by a Lindy Hop instruction and practice session. No partner needed, this class is fun, inviting, and open to everyone.  All levels are welcome.

Enjoy festival masterclasses taught by renowned and award-winning dance artists....


Friday, April 14

Saturday, April 15